Authentication page


The user authentication page is located at: and is a part of the Login.WebMoney service.

Redirection method

This page has a mandatory RID parameter - the return URL ID, which is saved in the WM Login settings for the website.

The return URL ID can be found in a GET query string


A non-mandatory parameter AuthType allows the forcing of the required login method. This parameter can also be found in a GET query string. The information of the preferred login method provided by the user will always be ignored, for example: GateKeeper.aspx?RID=value&AuthType=PasswordSms

User can login automatically using KeeperMiniSocial. In order to use this option, the user has to specify AuthType=KeeperMiniSocial&AuthTypeParam=<socnet>, where the <socnet> can take the following values:

  • odnoklassniki - Odnoklassniki, the social network
  • vkontakte - VKontakte, the social network
  • Facebook - Facebook, the social network
  • mailru - the portal
  • Gmail - the Google portal
  • Yandex - the Yandex portal
  • ICQ - the ICQ service
  • Twitter - Twitter, the social network
  • windowslive - the Windows Live ID service
  • Yahoo - the Yahoo portal
  • Linkedin - Linkedin, the social network
  • MyOpenId - the MyOpenId service

Next, the authentication process takes place on WM Login according to the WM Login settings for the website. If a user has permission to log in, the page creates a form which will be sent to the client. Then the client's browser will POST this form to the url.



Authentication method. Values:

Id Name Description Comment
1 KeeperClassic authentication via WebMoney Keeper WinPro (Classic)
2 KeeperLight authentication using a Webney Keeper WebPro certificate (Light)
3 Enum authentication via the E-num service not in use
4 Telepat authentication via the telepat service
5 Fingerprint authentication by fingerprint not in use
6 KeeperMini authentication via WebMoney Keeper Standard (Mini)
7 EnumViaSms authentication via the E-num service using SMS not in use
8 KeeperMiniSocial authentication via social networks (WebMoney Keeper Standard)
9 PasswordSms authentication by a password with confirmation


The first factor — authentication. Values:

Id Name Desription Comment
0 None absent factor not in use
1 Password password see PasswordType
2 Signature WebMoney Keeper WinPro (Classic) signature
3 X509Certificate WebMoney Keeper WebPro (Light) certificate
4 Social social network account
5 Enum E-num account not in use, see EnumType


The second factor — confirmation. Value:

Id Name Description Comment
-1 Unavailable information about the factor is unavailable not in use
0 None absent factor
1 Sms password
2 Enum E-num account see EnumType


Password type. Values:

Id Name Description
0 Unspecified the password type is not specified
1 WebPro WebMoney Keeper WebPro (Light) password
2 WinPro WebMoney Keeper WinPro (Classic) password
3 Standard WebMoney Keeper Standard (Mini) password
4 Mobile WebMoney Keeper Mobile (Telepat) password


E-num type. Values:

Id Name Description Comment
0 Unspecified E-num type not specified
1 Application E-num application
2 Sms E-num via SMS not in use
3 Fingerprint fingerprint not in use


Additional flags. There are can be a few flags divided by ',' (coma). Values:

Lot № Name Description
N/A None no flags
0 N/A booked
1 RealmWantCrossCheck the website requests to "Confirm operations"
2 UserWantCrossCheck the user requests to "Confirm operations"
3 CrossCheckDone confirmed
4 N/A booked
5 CachedAuthentication the authentication was completed based on the saved details
6 QuietAuthentication the "silent" authentication was completed based on the saved details


Response version

The supported response versions:

Version Value Description Date format
1.0 10 the version corresponds with the outdated compatibility mode "Simple compatibility 2012-04" dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
1.1 11 the version corresponds with the outdated compatibility mode "Not required" dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
2.0 20 a transitional version, which contains values from versions 1.1 and 3.0 dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
3.0 30 the current version yyyy-MM-ddTHH:ss:mm.fffK


If the operation is successful, the authentication ticket will be redirected to the return page url:

Name Supported version Comments Description
WmLogin_AuthType [1.0, 3.0) 3.0 > ver ≥ 1.0 authentication method, see AuthType
WmLogin_Created [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the authentication ticket creation time in the UTC time format
WmLogin_Expires [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the ticket expire time in the UTC time format
WmLogin_Factor1 [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the 1st factor, see Factor1Type
WmLogin_Factor1_PasswordType [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the password type, if WmLogin_Factor1 = Password, see PasswordType
WmLogin_Factor1_EnumType [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the E-num type, if WmLogin_Factor1 = Enum, see EnumType
WmLogin_Factor2 [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the 2nd factor, see Factor2Type
WmLogin_Factor2_EnumType [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the E-num type, if WmLogin_Factor2 = Enum, see EnumType
WmLogin_Flags [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 additional flags, see TicketFlags
WmLogin_LastAccess [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the last access to the ticket in the UTC time format
WmLogin_ReadId [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the ticket identifier for external API sites, which is checked via user authentication service for ReadId
WmLogin_Ticket [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the authentication ticket, matches the regular command [a-zA-Z0-9 / $] {32}, which is checked on the server via online security services
WmLogin_UrlID [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the return url ID for POST
WmLogin_UserAddress [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the incoming IP address, which was used for sending the authentication request
WmLogin_Version [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the response version
WmLogin_WMID [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the user WMID


If a user cancelled authentication during the authentication process, the response format will be as follows:

  • WmLogin_KeeperRetStr - the result identifier string: Cancelled
  • WmLogin_KeeperRetVal - the result code: 4

Redirection after a log out

If a user requested to log out and after that returned to the website, the following response format will be used:

  • WmLogin_KeeperRetStr - a string result identifier: LoggedOff
  • WmLogin_KeeperRetVal - result code 5

Examples of a response content


Version 1.0:

WmLogin_AuthType KeeperLight
WmLogin_Created 12.01.2015 14:25:22
WmLogin_Expires 12.01.2015 15:25:22
WmLogin_Flags RealmWantCrossCheck, UserWantCrossCheck, CachedAuthentication
WmLogin_LastAccess 12.01.2015 14:25:22
WmLogin_ReadId R4G9izsZWeCBU2N2UDmaPUG5pNGzj1dWUkSpZZM6mdE71NNxvRWd5H9mh4wTrb3o2RnK2dfyoist2BNtAHtY3uB
WmLogin_Ticket AAue4ZuLBEaVsQr8k1B7PKQ5C3TJ5NUMk47D3tgJpa4kHQsA
WmLogin_UrlID 7afa5173-bddb-453a-adce-99fb012ceb71
WmLogin_Version 10
WmLogin_WMID 123456789012

Version 1.1:

WmLogin_AuthType PasswordSms
WmLogin_Created 12.01.2015 14:27:33
WmLogin_Expires 12.01.2015 15:27:33
WmLogin_Flags RealmWantCrossCheck, UserWantCrossCheck, CrossCheckDone
WmLogin_LastAccess 12.01.2015 14:27:33
WmLogin_ReadId R4G9izsZWeCBU2N2UDmaPUG5pNGzj1dWUkSpZZM6mdE71NNxvRWd5H9mh4wTrb3o2RnK2dfyoist2BNtAHtY3uB
WmLogin_Ticket AAue4ZuLBEaVsQr8k1B7PKQ5C3TJ5NUMk47D3tgJpa4kHQsA
WmLogin_UrlID 7afa5173-bddb-453a-adce-99fb012ceb71
WmLogin_Version 11
WmLogin_WMID 123456789012

Version 2.0:

WmLogin_AuthType PasswordSms
WmLogin_Created 12.01.2015 14:28:38
WmLogin_Expires 12.01.2015 15:28:38
WmLogin_Factor1 Password
WmLogin_Factor1_PasswordType WebPro
WmLogin_Factor2 Enum
WmLogin_Factor2_EnumType Application
WmLogin_Flags RealmWantCrossCheck, UserWantCrossCheck, CrossCheckDone
WmLogin_LastAccess 12.01.2015 14:28:38
WmLogin_ReadId R4G9izsZWeCBU2N2UDmaPUG5pNGzj1dWUkSpZZM6mdE71NNxvRWd5H9mh4wTrb3o2RnK2dfyoist2BNtAHtY3uB
WmLogin_Ticket AAue4ZuLBEaVsQr8k1B7PKQ5C3TJ5NUMk47D3tgJpa4kHQsA
WmLogin_UrlID 7afa5173-bddb-453a-adce-99fb012ceb72
WmLogin_Version 20
WmLogin_WMID 123456789012

Version 3.0:

WmLogin_Created 2015-01-12T14:31:29.997Z
WmLogin_Expires 2015-01-12T15:31:29.997Z
WmLogin_Factor1 Password
WmLogin_Factor1_PasswordType WebPro
WmLogin_Factor2 Enum
WmLogin_Factor2_EnumType Application
WmLogin_Flags RealmWantCrossCheck, UserWantCrossCheck, CrossCheckDone
WmLogin_LastAccess 2015-01-12T14:31:29.997Z
WmLogin_ReadId R4G9izsZWeCBU2N2UDmaPUG5pNGzj1dWUkSpZZM6mdE71NNxvRWd5H9mh4wTrb3o2RnK2dfyoist2BNtAHtY3uB
WmLogin_Ticket AAue4ZuLBEaVsQr8k1B7PKQ5C3TJ5NUMk47D3tgJpa4kHQsA
WmLogin_UrlID 7afa5173-bddb-453a-adce-99fb012ceb73
WmLogin_Version 30
WmLogin_WMID 123456789012

Operation cancelled


Redirection to a return page after a request to log out
